Learn how your KEY SUCCESS FACTORS provide clues to your right work.
NATURAL TALENTS: the skills and abilities that energize you
PREFERED SUBJECT MATTER: the interest areas that you found particularly stimulating or satisfying in your childhood, young adult years, and now during the discretionary time of adulthood
MOTIVATING SITUATIONS: what needs to be in place in your work setting or job conditions to release your natural talents
NATURAL RELATING STYLE: how you build rapport with others effortlessly and what is your natural role in work settings
ESSENTIAL MOTIVATION: what it is that you seek to achieve when you are doing what you enjoy most and doing it well (the purpose of your passion, if you will). This is the factor most associated with a sense of work satisfaction. If this is denied, a work situation will lack fulfillment for you.
ACTION PLAN: suggestions to help you validate your passion and a motivational pattern that moves you from career pain to job joy through genuine employment opportunities
From this analysis, you can generate an Ideal Job Description and match it with specific opportunities in the real world of work. Once you have defined your strengths, you need to make sure you are in a position that utilizes them and gives you the opportunity to put them into practice. “If you’re in a job that’s not a fit for your natural talents, you’re not going to achieve greatness,” says Gallup.
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