Protect Your Mortgage

Take some time to make sure you are optimizing the value of your home on Tuesday 30 July 8-9pmET.

Free Webinar:

Mortgage Insurance: High Costs, and Thinking You’re Approved When You’re Not. How To Protect Yourself Properly in 3 Simple Steps

Your home is probably your second biggest asset (you’ll learn your main asset on this webinar!), and a mortgage is one of the two largest contributors to your life insurance needs.

If you’re like most people, you probably have lender-owned coverage for your mortgage – that is coverage owned by your bank or lending institution. If so, you need to know:

  • Why that insurance payout will go directly to your bank, and not one cent to your family and loved ones;
  • Why it typically costs more month-to-month than personally-owned insurance… especially if you’re a non-smoker – costing you more, for a service that benefits the bank only; and
  • Why you, and many others, aren’t actually approved for the insurance, even though you’re currently paying for it!

… and what to do about it!

Even if you have personally-owned life insurance, join us to discover if you’re paying too much, or underinsured… or both.

On Tuesday 30 July, from 8-9 pm ET, my special guest will be JoyJoy graduate Brett Martinson, a Sun Life Financial Advisor. Brett is a long time graduate from 2001, and specializes in helping families meet their financial goals, and protecting their investments.

Special Offer

Register NOW for the ‘live’ webinar, and you can schedule a 30 minute, 1-on-1 phone time with Brett at no cost to discuss any area of your financial plan – whether it be any type of insurance (life, disability, critical illness, etc.), how to have enough money at the end of the month, paying off debts (month-to-month cash and debt reduction are a vital part of Brett’s plans), or future goals – whether it’s next year’s vacation, your children’s education savings, retirement, or tax implications of passing on your estate. Tap into Brett’s planning advice, personal support, and expertise to protect your mortgage and achieve financial security.


Register for Free Webinar

Date : Tuesday July 30th Time : 8-9pm Eastern


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