
Finding Your Right Work Through the Power of Your Personal Story

The truth about who and what you are in terms of work runs like a vein of gold through your life. In fact, you cannot not do what you were born to do! You are doing it all the time. Even your negative experiences hold valuable clues to your right work. Learn how to move all the ore to get at the gold in your story. Get clarity and consciousness about your right work. Learn how to leverage this new knowledge into real jobs in the world of work.


I wrote JobJoy: Finding Your Right Work Through the Power of Your Personal Story to help you to effectively achieve greater clarity in both your career objectives and outlook on life.

My observation has been that people passionate about what they do, do what they do better. They are excited about life. Their creativity is released and excellence is possible. For so many obvious reasons, I want to work with people who have passion.

Most individuals lack clarity and consciousness about their natural gifts and talents. This book will help you identify and define the essence of who you are in terms of work. It will show you how to develop that essence into a specific job or business, even without further training and education.

Job Joy is not only the title of my book or the central passion in my life, Job Joy is, in fact, a way of life. It may sound corny and you’re not the only one to think that it does. After years of working in the government, I was truly unhappy with my job. I hated myself, I didn’t like what I was doing, I felt that I was getting nowhere, and I was sick more days than the norm. I was somehow inculcated with this mentality (one that is so prevalent in today’s society) that struggling is a natural, normal way of life.…Or, so I thought.

Struggling may be a negative word and you may shrug when the thought crosses your mind, but the reality is that over 90% of the population works 8 hours a day just so they can go home and enjoy what’s left before bedtime. They plow through the workweek just so they can cash-in their paychecks and really “live” on that glorified weekly vacation they call “weekend.” And they struggle through the first two-thirds of their lives merely looking forward to the remaining one-third where they will finally be able to start enjoying life… While that remaining one-third is guaranteed TO NO ONE!

Struggling, it seems, is noble. When I originally objected to this way of thinking, I was regarded by my peers as strange or that something was wrong with me. That way of thinking, unfortunately, slowly crept into my own and I began to feel that there was indeed something wrong with me. But accepting the erroneous notion and coping with the idea that “struggling is a fact of life” did not sit too well with me. Not only was I struggling at work, but I was also struggling with the idea that it was wrong to think that way and did so for weeks. In fact, I thought about it for years. But one day, I finally woke up. And with a great deal of trepidation, I managed to break that almost impenetrable barrier that once held me down to not only understand but also live and teach this “strange” idea I call Job Joy.

My method was developed through my own process of career transition, the thousands of hours I’ve spent working one-on-one with individuals, and through hundreds of workshops and seminars. This method worked for me, and has never failed to work for anyone who applies its wisdom.

In this unique book, I show how you can indeed have work that combines passion and profit. The answers are already inside you. You will discover:

  • talents and abilities that you do excellently
  • skills that will produce all the income you need
  • the ability to have work be a natural and effortless extension of your life.

I hope this book will be great reading for you. Enjoy it, but its higher purpose is to encourage you to have job joy in your life. How many times have you heard a person who truly loves their work say, “I can’t believe I get paid for what I love doing!” You can be that person. Getting paid for doing what you love is possible.

If you have job joy already, bravo! If you don’t and want it…buy the book!Start moving out of career pain and into a better jobfit.

Price: $9.99 Buy the book at Amazon or Smashwords.

Moving you from career pain to job joy in 3 easy steps

JobJoy Bootcamp will help you change your career, your life, naturally & effortlessly, earn more, & achieve better work-life balance…within 6 months!

This workbook provides exercises based on the strategies and tactics that I have used over the last 20 years working with people like you in all kinds of situations and circumstances…and now I can help you change your current situation, and life, too!

There are three areas of action related to successful career transition:  Heart Work, Head Work, Leg Work.  The key is to start now in one area. Each section has Toolbox tips to help you take actions now quickly and easily.  I suggest you start with the area that is drawing you to this book.  There is no need to read each part in sequence but you may find that each part reinforces the others, making it easier for you to make a successful transition by integrating each part into your plans and actions. 

Step 1: Heart Work

This section focuses on what really matters to you.  What are your natural strengths and highest ambitions?  It is important to identify and define what matters most to you in order to determine what jobs and careers are best suited for you.  When you acknowledge your authentic self, fears are triggered in your social self, such as:  Who am I to want that? Why would anybody want to hire me to do that?  What will my parents/spouse/friends think of me?  Our fears show up in our limiting beliefs.  What are those beliefs? How can we deal with them efficiently and effectively? 

Step 2: Head Work

Logic and reason can help us integrate our being with our doing.  Goals help us establish an excellent focus for this intersection between being and doing.  This section focuses on creating and achieving goals, and how to overcome roadblocks that get in the way of our achievements.  Our aptitudes and attitudes either support or undermine our goals.  We can learn and apply simple tools that will support us as we take actions towards our goals.

Step 3: Leg Work

Once we plan to work, we work the plan.  What are the actions we can take to efficiently and effectively to achieve our goals? Our career goals will be achieved through systematic and intentional actions that are meant to make our vision real.


JobJoy Bootcamp will remind you of this simple fact:  you have been successful in life previously; and, even if you don’t feel like a success right now, you will be successful again.

I know this because I refuse to define success in narrow financial terms.  Most things in our society get reduced to the value of the ‘almighty’ dollar.  It is important to remember that financial wealth is only one standard of success, and not the most important one in my view.

Take health, for example, because anyone who has ever had a serious injury or illness would probably trade all their wealth for a healthy body, mind, or soul.  The statement: “Health is the first wealth,” is a cliché, I know, but cliches are often truisms whose power fades through frequent expression.  If you are healthy today, you enjoy a certain level of success. 

Perhaps you eat well, sleep well, get regular exercise, and learn subjects and skills that stimulate you, all of which energizes you.  If you are full of energy and optimism, you enjoy a certain level of success.

The same goes for confidence, courage, self-respect, happiness, and peace of mind, to name a few other standards of success.  Each of these aspects of life is not easily acquired and each adds positively to our quality of life.  I am sure that 99% of individuals reading this paragraph have attained some success in one or more of these aspects of life in the past, now, and will do so in the future.

JobJoy Bootcamp is about helping you attain a better quality of life.  You can have more energy, peace of mind, freedom self-confidence, self-respect, happiness, health, and wealth in your life.  When you set a goal to attain or increase your quality of life in these areas and move progressively towards that goal, you are successful!

You will learn the same skills that successful people use to attain success in these areas of life.  You are already successful because you have acquired some of these skills and used them.  You just forgot!  The information and exercises in this book will help you remember those skills and provide you with opportunities to use them once again.

JobJoy Bootcamp is about helping you increase your capacity to grow and change your life – you are responsible for your life!

Price: $9.99 Buy the book at Amazon or Smashwords.


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